Saturday, June 15, 2024

GIVE ME PITY! (2023)


Written & Directed By: Amanda Kramer

Cinematography: Patrick Meade Jones

Editor: Benjamin Shearn

Cast: Sophie Von Haselberg, Cricket Arrison, Reshma Gajjar 

Sissy St. Claire graces the small screen for her first ever television special, an evening full of music and laughter, glamour, and entertainment. But Sissy's live event quickly begins to curdle into a psychedelic nightmare.

This film is best not to know anything going in and discover before reading this write-up. As there are spoilers. 

Now this film will probably be compared to the film, LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL, as they are similar somewhat in presentation. Only this film doesn’t show any of the behind-the-scenes action we just see the special as presented with no real backstory before or after. as both films are inspired by movies, such as DEATHWATCH.

this film is hard to exactly explain or identify. it takes place as a live TV special where the film stays in that perimeter for the remainder of the running time and it’s filmed in the same way

Though the special might be haunted or it might just be a collection of errors paired with the star, either overreacting or having a mental breakdown as she might be seeing things or the actual truth as we in the audience, wonder the same thing.

The Songs throughout are funny, but might also be autobiographical for the main character as throughout the special she seems to share a little bit too much with the audience over and overreact in the same way  

The film is brilliant as it is not necessarily quite a thriller or a horror film yet it stays entertaining and is almost a one-woman show for the star played by Sophie Von Haselberg all in front of the camera as she seems to break down.

The lead actress and special is almost a Bette Midler type star Sophie Von Haselberg’s character resembles, but also mixed with Ilana Glazer.

The film gets darker and more unsettling as it goes along, especially when it comes to what are supposed to be skits

The film is an example of how the main character's past still haunts her, and his manifesting which she talks about early in one of her pieces and one, on ones with the audience

Writer-Director, Amanda Kramer has made another one-of-a-kind film. This one is definitely a classic and not one to ever be forgotten. 

As with most of her films, they are very inspired as she wears her influences on her sleeve, but she managed to make something so original and special with them that you can’t help but be amazed by the end. 

The film definitely has a style. not to mention tons of imagination and obvious skill that went into the making and performing in this film.

The film is psychedelic at times before reason and not annoying. It’s as it shows. It has more of an artistic side. Even in its own strangeness.

Grade: B+

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