Thursday, June 27, 2024



Directed By: Trevor Anderson 

Written By: Trevor Anderson and Fish Griwkowsky

Cinematography: Wes Miron

Editor: Justin LaChance

Cast: Vaughn Murrae, Dominic Lippa, Lacey Oake, Shannon Blanchet, Matthew Rankin, Rohan Khane, Jhztyn Contado, Milana Bochiwski, Kaitlyn Haugen, Kristin Johnston

1987: While the other students wonder if new kid Robin is a boy or a girl, Robin forges a complicated bond with the school bully, making increasingly dangerous choices to fit in.

This is a coming-of-age tale involving, what seems to be an ambiguous character. That feels like a film that could have taken place in 1987 as just like the characters it’s awkward and seems a little directionless as far as characters go, but succeeds at building its own world.

The film is open-ended and doesn’t offer many answers, but it leaves you to make up your own mind and figure it out or come up with your own definitions and backstories. 

I give credit more truthful and not having the cookie-cutter kind of happy endings that usually come with this type of film.

The lead character is more of an outcast, because of the questionable sexuality, more than anything, rather than just some random quirk, and that would feel forced. the film feels mysterious, even to itself as it seems to float and its own haze, but presents a clear picture.

Also not the typical one minute and you could be enemies in the next either best of friends, or just plain old getting along 

Especially the contrast, between the main character and the Asian character, kind of discovering an identity of punk, and letting that be the definition to get help him through his alienation and pain, as others make fun of them and him being OK with it.

I also like that kind of delves into the parent's and adults, life events to show them as characters who might be flawed and have their own problems just as the main character's father might’ve moved on, but still isn’t ready to necessarily get into a relationship with someone new, and holding it together, is the best he can and then, when he finally does, it might not be the match that he or the audience had hoped for.

it’s a film that seems to keep on building, and by the end, some audience members might not be pleased with where it ends or how it ends but it does feel like a complete story and offers an ending. It’s just that you might want to see what happens after or find out where these characters go after the film has ended.

So not for everyone, there isn’t much I can see that would be offensive or alienating to a general audience.

Which shows to the audience strong, writing, and a strong story, even if led more by emotions than the filmmaking itself.

Grade: B 

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