Friday, July 19, 2024



Written & Directed By: Sofia Coopola

Based on the Book “ELVIS AND ME” by: Priscilla Presley And Sandra Harmon

Cinematography: Philippe Le Sourd

Editor: Sarah Flack

Cast: Cailee Spaeny, Jacob Elordi, Ari Cohen, Dagmara Domincyzk, Tim Post, Lynne Griffin, Dan Beirne, Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll, Dan Abramovici

When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend.

An aesthetic to dig deeper into characters and moments lived in, not just the surface. A sensitive portrait or snapshot.

I get so excited about the new Sofia Coppola movies. While I enjoy her style, her movies I will admit at times aren’t the most exciting or action-packed. They are like stylistic recreations that are dramatized seem like recreations, and often feel humorous.

THE VIRGIN SUICIDES, LOST IN TRANSLATION, SOMEWHERE, and MARIE ANTOINETTE is her best and a kind of winning streak. The rest have had moments and pieces that are admirable it can be hit or miss even if beautifully filmed they are generally passable they can’t say that they are totally enjoy, they all make you think certainly are experiences in themselves.

In fact, some people will use that against her, saying that they are stylish live-action photo shoots to make her films easier to write off, though they do contain more than that you have to be willing to sit and experience them to finally discover it.

there is something about the everyday realities more than all the glitz and glamour that she tries to dissect looking to expose the truth maybe because she grew up on the other side within the fantasy of Fame so she knows it inside and out. She gets to see the power of fame and how it can easily corrupt, even those who are supposed to be Bastians of morality.

It Is a love story, but still showcasing a young lady a teenager who feels like she’s being groomed by a female, older established, and famous male, not only a star but an eventual icon.

There is expected to be an adult around them even though innocence is what seems to be the attraction for him.

The film is about her coming of age with life in this relationship, where she has to learn to gain her strength eventually and be independent from a more one-sided relationship.

The film is not a gossipy or sensationalistic account as that has never been Miss Coppola’s style. We already have many movies and documentaries about Elvis Presley Coppola seems to be trying to expose the more intimate portrait of a well-known love story, not focusing on the legend or his career as much as this is her story so that we can get a better understanding of where she’s at And had to go through.

As the domestication is more than anything, as we watch her, it shows like a little girl in a grown-up world, her being contained and cut off.

The film doesn’t have as many artistic flourishes and retro but is also kind of plain. It seems most of the movie takes place at Graceland.

Jacob Elordi is believable and gives an informed performance as Elvis Presley. he excels in the story of a relationship that offers snippets of his career So he gets to focus more on the dramatic side and charming side of Elvis not so much the showman or the performer. With him being cast in the old days, this might’ve been a starter film for him or a beefcake movie to test out a heartthrob and their box office strength but here it’s more artistic and not so much stunt, casting the film could easily be seen as movie material, made a bit more with depth and patience

Cailee Spaeny is as good as Priscilla in one of her first leading roles. She comes across, is fragile, believable, and strong in each iteration of Priscilla. Even if the performance doesn’t blow the audience away, it is more of an emotional one, as she is the one to take us through all of this, and who we care about.

I am more familiar with Priscilla Presley as an actress primarily from THE NAKED GUN movies so this film was actually kind of eye-opening for me. The film offers glimpses of what we know or what he is known for but shows what it was like to have to live with him through his crisis

We get to see romance from the beginning until the end, as it seems like at some point got tired, and the passion died. the passion died, we do see the introduction the first the seduction, the liking the falling in love the consideration of the marriage, The fights, and infidelity on his part.

This is a narrative a bit like the recent release, maestro seeing young love, but also as famous as maintained, and acquired how to affect a loved one behind the scenes, and how they learn to manage, staying more in the shadows, but still being a partner.

Also, it should be a given, and I love the soundtrack that doesn’t have that many Elvis Presley songs on it. It’s a return form for Sophia, Coppola, and Hits harder than one might expect at times and it still feels just a bit fluffy.

I remember when certain Directors had movies coming out part of the anticipation of a new release was the soundtracks not necessarily the scores, which one looked forward to unless it was done by a favorite like  Jon Brion. Not even new music it was whatever classic or unknown songs or artists of the past they would use if it was a popular song, the Directors used it in such a way that you looked at an experience or listen to it differently than before if new to you you have obsessed over it like a brand new single hot off the presses. 

Sofia Coppola still manages to do this, There’s a moment in the film where they listen to songs, and she says that the song lacks a catchiness to it, which is how some might feel, but this kept me thoroughly entertained and might be one of her more accessible films, though some will consider it a bit too slow for their taste. 

It might represent the same old, which is successful, though, doesn’t end him to an audience as he comes across more as a time capsule, rather than changing with the times and him wanting to move on yet afraid. Just as his wife Priscilla has needs he seems to be deterred because it doesn’t fit in with what he knows especially during the 1960s a time of rapid change.

Ir Shows him learning and teaching himself having a rebellious attitude and learning independence. Even though the colonel shut him down, the same is happening with her. Only Elvis was doing it to her as they say hurt people hurt people, and then leaving her alone in a huge house to entertain herself, but not wanting her to mix too much with the staff, what was she to do?

Grade: B

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