Saturday, May 25, 2024



Directed By: Jenn Wexler

Written By: Jenn Wexler and Sean Redlitz

Cinematography: Alexandre Bussiere

Editor: Mathieu Berube and Arthur Tarnowski

Cast: Mena Massoud, Chloe Levine, Olivia Scott Welch, Georgia Acken, Madison Barnes, Gus Kentworthy, Derek Johns, Laurent Pittre 

It's bad enough that boarding school students Samantha and Clara can't go home for the holidays, but things take a deadly turn when a murderous gang arrives on their doorstep - just in time for Christmas.

The film starts out as an interesting thriller, and then it gets to a bit more harder as it goes along.

Like the main characters as an audience member, you were not quite prepared for what you get you might see certain things, but there are plenty of surprises.

What keeps the sound fun is that it keeps you guessing like a game even though after a while it becomes a little bit predictable, but still offers a few surprises.

As we watch the tables, turn on the villains that we want to see punished, who then become the victims, who are used to a certain extent, though we feel a little for them, even as they were careless before that seems to be their only bad vice. Not necessarily likable, but good for some comic..

Like most things, those who you think are the most evil or nothing compared, as there is usually someone worse.

The film keeps a wicked sense of humor as it becomes a cat-and-mouse game towards the middle. 

Not going to like you are most likely going to suspect some of the choices, but luckily it stays entertaining throughout.

The production design works as it does feel the production, or like it is taking place at that certain time, which also helps with the film's mentality and mood.

This is a good starter, a horror film that can teach those new twists and the tricky nature of them, and a film such as as this film seems perfect for a younger female audience.

Mena Massoud who played Aladdin in the live-action, Disney movie is a villain here, which is subversive casting. As he goes from playing, you know one of the most innocent and beloved Disney characters, who is kind of a heartthrob to a cold-blooded, killer and leader of a gang looking to sacrifice for a single goal

The cast is female, driven than male who are mostly victims. 

the film is not excessive or exploited and its protagonist ends up being two teenage girls. Luckily, the film is never boring and stays entertaining being a period piece of the 1970s it adds to the texture somewhat the wonder if it’s more to explain or do away with cell phones and more tap into disillusionment and the satanic panic of the times

Georgia Acken is memorable playing Clara, one of the more mysterious underage hostages who might remind the audience of a young Elliot page as she appears to have the same strength in her performance. 

Grace: B- 

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