Tuesday, April 16, 2024



Directed By: Angelica De Alba and Paul Ragsdale

Written & Edited By: Paul Ragsdale 

Cinematography: Carlos Rodriguez

Cast: Kansas Bowling, Nina Lanee Kent, Jessa Flux, Ginger Lynn Allen, Drew Marvick, Luis Maya, Bryan Hurd, Adriana Uchishibia, August Kyss 

Phoebe is an obsessed fitness nerd who gets her big break on a sleazy workout video. After being ridiculed by her co-stars, Phoebe befriends a mafia princess wild child, who teaches her how to murder her way to the top.

This is a low-budget independent horror comedy. That takes place in the 1980s and is made like a straight-to-home video horror film Of That Aesthetic. However, some of the characters being covered in tattoos feel a little more modern-day. Either way, it feels like a lost USA UP ALL NIGHT movie 

The film is full of exploitation and just has an overall trashy tone. Though it is actually a fun and ridiculous film. That won’t be for everyone or their tastes. Though if you go with it, you won’t be disappointed. 

The film is filled with violence, sexual innuendo and plenty of nudity as well as acting that isn’t always perfect, yet fits the film and milieu like a glove. 

What works for the film though is that you can tell that the filmmakers. Truly have a love of these types of movies and showcase their passion for them. While making the movie their own. No matter how silly the film might be. As truly at times it feels like it is only a very short distance from using the same script and easily making it into a more adult-minded film. 

Especially in one scene where a character played by the hilarious Jessa Flux not only wants to have sex but show her breasts and have people look at them. When to her horror the man she was about to hook up with refuses to even look at them and she has a breakdown. 

The film is inventive with not only a serial killer on the loose but a main character who seems to have a mental break and can’t help killing others in her path. 

What helps the film is that most of the actors are so dedicated to their roles that they win you over with their characters and performances. Especially the lead played by Kansas Bowling.

The film never goes over the top to shock or disgust. It seems more devoted to keeping the audience interested. It moves fast enough to not ever be confusing. Though stops off for some extended comedic bits at times. 

This film came together from it appears crowdsourcing (going by how many associate producers are credited)  to make it become a reality that shows a lot of love and trust went into the film. It seems to have given all those who believed in it, what they asked for and expected. As it delivers that to a specific audience and hopefully gains more wandering eyes along the way. In this instance choose not to give it a grade. As not to dim any light on creatives and filmmakers out there whose sensibilities might be a little more singular. 

In the end, you get what you expect. This film was never made to win awards and gives the audience exactly what they expected and hopefully what they came for. It’s an homage while also being a film that could have easily fit in, in the time period showcased. 

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