Friday, March 24, 2023



Directed By: Andre Gower  Written By: Andre Gower & Henry Derron McComas  Cinematography & Editor: Henry Derron McComas 

Featuring: Shane Black, Fred Dekker, Andre Gower, Ryan Lambert, Adam Green, Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Green, Chuck Russell, Joe Lynch, Diva Zappa. Zach Galligan, Kristina Klebe, Rebekah McKendry 

This documentary explores the power of cult film told through the lens of The Monster Squad (1987) and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew, and the industry.

This is a documentary about the film THE MONSTER SQUAD. The title comes from one of the more memorable lines of the movie. 

Though this documentary is about a little more than just that. It is about the film community in its own way. How a simple little film that actually bombed in theaters. Not only how to become a cult classic but how it affected the audience who discovered it. Whether when it was first released or later on cable, home video, DVD, or even just recently.

How a film can mean so much and hold so many memories that it becomes personal. Almost part of your DNA even though you weren’t involved. It feels distinct like it was part of your own childhood.

It not only follows the cast of the film. Finding out all the behind-the-scenes stories on the making of the film, but how it affected their careers and how the audience made the film not necessarily just be some job, but actually make it that much more special.

We catch up with the filmmakers and cast. The director of the documentary is also the star of THE MONSTER SQUAD. Andre Gower

We see and meet the fans of the film, go to the screenings, and get to know the audience. How they discovered the movie.

As THE MONSTER SQUAD is one of those movies that each generation seems to discover and pass it down to the next. It might be that the film’s audience is obviously kids and teenagers and it doesn’t talk down to them and for the most part, they are the protagonists. It’s a smart movie that wasn’t there to appeal to all or sell toys and products. It was an adventure with horror though still a rollicking fun movie. That unfortunately is rarely made these days. 

This is also a film that seems to not be talked about except by more film nerds. Even though it could easily be just as talked about as THE GOONIES. Though this film is treated like their dark weird cousin.

This is a movie I once loved as a kid. I even saw it twice in theaters. Though watching it now I can see its appeal and fun ideas. This is why I once loved it and still respect it to a degree, but it doesn’t pack as much of a punch for me. As it once did. As it’s not as magical to me these days but still enjoyable.

This is a documentary that is best to go into knowing or at least having seen the film it’s based on. You won’t get lost if you haven’t but it won't be as strong and might miss a lot of what is being talked about. Though it is worth a watch to see how a film can bring people together and mean so much to them. While just trying to be entertaining.

Luckily this is not the typical behind-the-scenes documentary just for the fans, but really a love letter and document to the film and its everlasting impact. 

Grade: B-

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