Wednesday, October 26, 2022

HOCUS POCUS 2 (2022)


Directed By: Anne Fletcher  Written by: Jen D’Angelo Story by: Jen D’Angelo, David Kirschner and Blake Harris Based on characters created By: Mick Garris and David Kirschner  Cinematography: Elliot Davis  Editor: Julia Wong

Cast: Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Sam Richardson, Doug Jones, Tony Hale, Whitney Peak, Belissa Escobedo, Lilia Buckingham 

Three young women accidentally bring back the Sanderson Sisters to modern-day Salem and must figure out how to stop the child-hungry witches from wreaking havoc on the world.

Well, what do you expect? It's a sequel to HOCUS POCUS. It works for nostalgia's sake 

This is more a family film that somehow manages to have less character than the original film. It is beloved by many and I even enjoyed it as a child, but i always felt it was good in a corny way that tried something within the Disney formula and might have bombed financially but the audience found it eventually.

For a film that feels like a film made more for the fans. It feels so cookie-cutter and less distinct than the original. This feels more childlike and obviously is more of a family film. As this film seems to eliminate anything that might be even a tad racy. 

It would have been nice if the film tried something more experimental. As it has a built-in audience. Like making it more of a musical that it flirts with at times but ultimately never pulls the trigger. 

Though the film Misses some of the misguided elements that made the original so memorable. Like the trends of the times when it came out. Which came off as pandering to a section of the audience. This one just goes with trying to be universal. 

It offers a diverse cast and is mostly female-focused, but if anything it always comes off more as silly that isn’t offensive. It’s nice that the young female leads are minority characters though not really noted. 

If you are a fan of the original you will probably enjoy this film or if you were excited to see the film in the first place you will probably enjoy it. Though this is more a film for kids and families. 

This is more the Disney ideal. then the original film. As at least that film felt more theatrical, original, and daring. 

A little disappointing for other cast members if the original doesn’t come back. Though there is a nice nod to the late Marshall siblings in this film

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