Written, Directed & Edited By: Rodrigo Cortes
Cinematography By: Xavi Gimenez
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Sigourney Weaver, Robert DeNiro, Elizabeth Olson, Toby Jones, Joely Richardson
The skeptical psychologist Dr. Margaret Matheson and her assistant, the physicist, Tom Buckley, are specialists in disclosing fraudulent paranormal phenomena. When the famous psychic Simon Silver reappears to his public after many years of absence, Tom becomes obsessed to investigate whether Silver is a fraud or not.
I like how the film starts off with an opening scene that would be the basis of another supernatural film or an episode of THE X-FILES. Setting up what seems like a major cast and character. Then shortly it concludes like an afterthought debunking it. It starts off as one type of film before switching genres in a direction we suspected it was going to go. That the filmmakers try to deny early then go full barrel forward with.
The film is so cold, clinical and concentrated with details. It sets up a suspenseful vibe. Then lets the air out slowly not so concerned with the thrills as much as the chills. It’s a shame as it begins fascinating before going downhill slowly.
At least the film shows off the con games of some psychics.
Robert DeNiro never does too well with the fantasy or supernatural aspects. Maybe as a tough realistic naturalistic actor that when it comes to things that aren’t there or fake he seems lost in. He just doesn’t carry off playing a showman grown bored over the years. Who is now deadly serious. The fun and character of the performance seems lost.
As the story goes on it shows Cillian Murphy’s character to be the obvious replacement of her sick son with colleague and her attachment to him. While we are exploring that relationship the film all of a sudden get’s supernatural out of the blue. Even though before it has spent it’s time telling us there is no such thing. Then once it introduces the supernatural it slowly negates all it has showed us. Though to give itself credit shows DeNiro going through all of the tests. The problem is the film expects you to get emotional with characters we barely know. Who rarely show emotions and to care. Sure they are our protagonists, but what makes us care about their fate? So when actions happen you feel nothing.
There is also very little action and no real payoffs. While it has the haunting mood of a ghost story. It fits as there is no sensation, No life that makes the material come alive, No vitality. So that it feels more dull then anything. It certainly has the gloss and mood correct though The film starts by seeming like something different before delving or hinting at a conspiracy. Then in the end so simple while opening itself up to becoming a noir kind of tale. It began to remind me in a way of UNBREAKABLE. Not as obvious, but distracting enough to try and have it try to mean something. A sleight of hand that while happy feels a bit ridiculous. I wish the ending had a better film to follow as getting there is punishing. The film had potential, but seems to have lost it’s way in trying to be too many things then distract. Trying to put more emphasis on the ending with little reasoning as to why or how it works and fit.
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