Written & Directed By: Ed Burns
Cinematography By: William Rexer
Editor: Janet Gaynor
Cast: Matt Bush, Ed Burns, Kerry Bishe, Callie Thorne, Jay Patterson
Now I am the first to admit I am not a big Ed Burns fan. I thought THE BROTHERS MCMULLEN was ok. Not worth the praise it got. I always felt he was very smug and hoped he would burn out and not have to be bothered by him again. It looked like he was heading that way, but a funny thing happened he grew up and found some ground to stick to. He is still not the best filmmaker. He seems to be a low budget more serious surly Irish American Woody Allen. He at least found his niche. I give him credit for sticking to his guns as a independent filmmaker and making projects close to his heart and stories he wants to tell instead of going the easy way, selling out and making Hollywood pap. I give him credit that at least his projects might be basic romantic comedies, but at least they have more character and gravitas then the romantic comedy films that Hollywood is churning out that don’t feel real at all. He actually embodies Independent spirit. Making his own films which he usually casts himself in lead or supporting roles. (Like I said a Woody Allen clone only more cool and level headed.) While also acting in big budget Hollywood films to make ends meat.
The film was shot in 10 days, With a budget of only $25,000. His lowest since THE BROTHERS MCMULLEN. The cast did their own hair and make-up. The crew Consisted of only 3 people who worked for free. They all got profit sharing points in the film. Burns also found free locations to film in from tips provided by family and friends. I have to give him some admiration for seeing the film through. It also shows what is possible if you have a vision for a project and the passion to see it through. It is surprisingly polished for a film that costs so little.
This film is Rather Sweet, Simple and charming. It starts off slow but slowly wins you over. Just like the characters on display. It is predictable though. You don’t mind the time spent with the characters to get to the familiar points though.
I will admit the film has a horrible score and soundtrack among other disappointments.
The film has a sameness about it. As most Romantic comedies do. Except here at least the characters feels fresh, organic, lived in and real. They don’t feel like inventions or defined by certain caricatures. Though it all leads to the predictable ending.
Kerry Bishe has a beauty and charm that transcends the film. She really took be my surprise. Sure she fits into the manic pixie dream girl cliché. I do wish her character had more dynamics and a few more details to her, But for this kind of film she fits right in.
The film puts forth a simple message. About life and happiness. You wouldn’t go wrong renting this film. It’s not magical, nor will it change your world view. It is just a cute and charming little film you might be able to relate to and leave you a little happier for having seen and experiencing it.
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