Friday, February 28, 2025



Directed By: Jacques Audiard

Written By: Jacques Audiard, Thomas Bidegain, Lea Mysius and Nicole Livecchi 

Based on the novel “ECOUTE” By: Boris Razon

Cinematography: Paul Guilhaume

Editor: Juliette Welfing 

Cast: Zoe Saldana, Karla Sofia Gascon, Selena Gomez, Adriana Paz, Edgar Ramirez, Mark Ivanir, Eduardo Aladro, Emilio Edmundo Hasan Jalil

follows four remarkable women in Mexico, each pursuing their own happiness. Cartel leader Emilia enlists Rita, an unappreciated lawyer, to help fake her death so that she can finally live authentically as her true self.

One of the joys of listening to the soundtrack of a musical early (even before you see the production)  Is seeing where the song will be used in the film And presented. Brought to life, visualized, and performed. See where they place It. 

Not necessarily advisable, as you might want to experience a first as you watch the film. Which can be a more magical experience. 

There is a lot to admire here visually. Jaques Jacques Audiard is a world-class director and makes everything dazzle here. Though it feels a bit empty, as for all the arresting nature of the film's production. In the end, it feels like it lacks heart. Making it ultimately feel like a shallow exercise.

As the spectacle and mood take over. Even though most musicals seem to be about the numbers the story is there to link them all together and usually suffers in believability. Here is the story which could be interesting. It doesn't naturally mix with the musical numbers and as this film tries to be so many things at once. It comes across as quite confusing. As it is roasted in stages or at least that is the best way to consume it.

This feels like another director trying to invade or emulate another director's style. This film feels more like a Pedro Almodovar film. Who would know how to connect and meld everything together better as it would be more his style and territory in theory? 

It’s a spectacle That is at times political then goes back to age-old melodrama at its heart. Yes, An artistic achievement. Through It seems to be more about style. Yet, it is a crime story that the director is known for 

Selena Gomez is one of the biggest names appearing in the film. Giving the film some star power next to Zoe Saldana and she is given the least to do. She does have at least two songs of her own to sing and perform. Most of her scenes involve her either crying or screaming. It seems she is here for some artistic cred for herself and to help the box office for the filmmakers. 

It’s like going full special needs. It’s devotion to calling attention to itself with genres that Don’t naturally blend. Not to mention it gives us a Trans Character but gives her little depth, nor explores her experiences or being in this new world in a different body. It gets about as deep with her as Caitlin Jenner does with other trans people in life. There is something to say about identity, but the film barely explores it. 

Zoe Saldana is the only one who manages to make it through the film unscathed. She gives a strong performance does everything the film and filmmakers ask of her And maintains a glow throughout.

When it comes to this film, I can understand the criticism as it almost feels like there is no care into the characters only situations that make it more feel like a soap opera

The fact that the main character seems more like a gimmick or plot point rather than full character. Then again it feels like none of the characters really have a full story or explanation.

In the end, the film is nice to look at and feel something, but it takes on subjects lightly more like a showcase, but never offers too much depth, leaving it with no real subject or reason 

Maybe the fact that it has four screenwriters is the problem. Each one brings their talents, and ideas that seem to work with one another but become quite different as the film goes along. 

Grade: B- 

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