Saturday, December 16, 2023

MEG 2: THE TRENCH (2023)


Directed By: Ben Wheatley 

Written By: Dean Georgaris, Joe Hoeber & Erich Hoeber

Based On The Novel “THE TRENCH” By: Steve Alten 

Cinematography: Harris Zambarloukos 

Editor: Jonathan Amos 

Cast: Jason Statham, Cliff Curtis, Page Kennedy, Sienna Guillory, Jing Wu, Sophia Cai, Skyler Samuels, Sergio Peris Menchata, Melissanthi Mahut, Whoopie Van Raam

When a shady corporation's illegal mining operation disturbs the ocean's mysterious seabed, veteran deep-sea rescue diver Jonas Taylor and a research team unearth terror beyond imagination. Five years after the horrific first encounter with the unstoppable Megalodon in The Meg, Jonas must now face a ferocious old enemy for the second time. But the sea's perplexing depths harbor prehistoric, blood-chilling secrets aching to resurface. Can Jonas confront what emerges from the trench?

The title sounds like a crossover with AQUA-MAN that some might have hoped for or the French spin-off movie only connected to the Meg universe. No such luck 

This movie is truly a sequel with not only a bigger shark but three of them. While there is some humor in the film it’s not as strong or as fun as the first film.

It might be that in the first film, there were more recognizable actors in the first film. Where as here half the actors are new. The survivors from the first film are back for this film.

One of the problems might be that a sequel wasn't really needed. Even with this film half of the script seems made up and offers nothing new except for the same old basic plot points of betrayal and underground criminals.

Another problem is that other than a hand-to-hand action sequence on a ship for Jason Statham to show off his fighting skills. There is no other action for the first hour practically. the second half makes up for it but mostly being action, but by then you have already lost certain members if the audience. Seemingly so you can set up plot points and try to make up science for what is happening. 

Then even though faxing the sharks is bad enough yet too much like the first film. You set up a mercenary force for them to fight and outwit. Which again allows Jason Statham some more hand-to-hand action.

Then you have the sharks and big lizards start attacking innocent citizens at a resort. So that it becomes a rescue disaster movie. As well as a JURASSIC PARK knockoff and allows the film to up the limited body count it has provided so far.  

Another problem is that the special effects are so obvious. That it is hard to get scared of something you know is pretty much animated.‘you take the fear out despite the bloody violence. It still feels more like a family film, more than anything.

The saving grace of the Movie actually is actor Page Kennedy. He seems to understand the ridiculous mood of the film and manages to make his l character stand out among the

Many a few of them also understand the nature of the film but do not manage to come away as memorable only serviceable. It tries to be tongue-in-cheek and have a sense of humor about itself, though it comes off more as someone trying too hard to tell a bad joke and then explain it.

The first hour might be the way it Is because of director Ben Wheatley who usually directs his own independent projects making his first studio film. As a challenge or for whatever reason. He wants to get the dramatics and set up first and let it build to the action massacre. It could also be a more for-hire job and not an original project that he started. The passion might be missing 

It might be that the film is based on a novel. So the need to explain the science and technical aspects must come first. Before we can truly enjoy the senseless action that feels repetitive and never as exciting as the filmmakers are trying for. Which also amounts to a lot of exposition. 

The film was also made to appeal to a more global market. As it has quite an international cast. Which unfortunately makes it seem more like a byproduct than even an actual product. 

Grade: D+

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