Saturday, January 18, 2014


Written & Directed By: Xan Cassavettes 
Cinematography By: Tobias Datum 
Editor: Taylor Gianotas & John F. Lyons 

Cast: Josephine De La Baume, Milo Ventimiglia, Roxane Mesquida, Michael Rappaport, Anna Mouglalis, Riley Keough, Jonathan Caouette

The vampire Djuna resists the advances of Paolo, but soon gives in to their passion. When her trouble-making sister unexpectedly comes to visit, Djuna's love is threatened, and the whole vampire community becomes endangered.

I went into this film semi-blind as all I knew was it was about a vampire. Which has been a bunch of films lately. Though I decided to give this own a try just because of the title really. I can admit I wasn't disappointed and more impressed then anything.

The film has everything going for it. Except the story and script could have been stronger.

I will say this is one of the sexiest vampire films I have seen in a while. In fact one of the sexiest films I have seen recently. This is what I felt the Tony Scott film THE HUNGER should have been.

The way teenage girls lust over the TWILIGHT books and movies is how I felt watching the film.

It has a look, mood and atmosphere. It's editing is perfect and characters that all feel right. The cast is sexy, but it only approaches it's greatness. It seems on the right path then stalls and goes elsewhere. When it could have been a classic.

It's not as flashy as most modern vampire films seem to be. Which seem to involve more action, romanticism, violence, scares and chills.

This film has some of those qualities, but is more subtle. Finding it more of a homage to the films the main character watches. Classic Gothic horror films and European 70’s sexy films. Breaking boundaries of what is expected, but being more atmospheric. Lending itself to romanticism and maintenance of the relationships.

Updating the vampire legend and setting new rules for it. While exploring their place in modern society. Like a less campy TRUE BLOOD in a major city and not so many characters.

It's a love story at heart with European flair and shows what talent can do and what is possible on a limited budget.

Josephine De La Baume is a revelation and truly makes you feel sorry for her tortured existence before having you fall in love with her as she is a romantic at heart who is lonely.

Roxane Mesquida is pitch perfect as her sister. The temptress an perennial bad influence. As she gets everything started on a bad road. Initially her being in the cast of this film is what helped me Into watching the film in the first place.

Despite the film's shortcomings. It still feels like something special and much credit is due to writer-director Xan Cassavettes.

I Believe this film seduced me, while I was looking

 Grade: B

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