Wednesday, January 1, 2025



Directed By: Carl Reiner 

Written By: Carl Reiner and Joseph Stein

Based on the Novel by: Carl Reiner

Based on the play By: Joseph Stein 

Cinematography: Joseph Biroc

Editor: Charles Nelson 

Cast: Reni Santoni, Elaine May, Jose Ferrer, Shelly Winters, Janet Margolin, Jack Gilford, Michael J. Pollard, Rob Reiner, Don Rickles, Nancy Kovack, David Opatoshu 

A young would-be actor seeks his first break.

This is the directorial debut of Carl Reiner after a long career intelligence. Based upon the play of the same name, this is a coming-of-age story that has screwball comedic elements at times but mostly stays on that fine line of comedy and trauma, though a little more lighthearted

Watching it under a modern lens, it feels a little flat, but it constantly has jokes a mile a minute and the film does have highlights. It’s quite a production.

It has a strong cast. Elaine May is sexy and hilarious one of the bigger and more memorable roles that she has played where she’s usually hilarious but this is one of a few times where she has truly lit up the screen and been sexy, sensual, goofy, and nice. A lead actress in the play hires the kid because she is attracted to him even though she knows he’s a horrible actor, but has a soft spot for him.

The lead is played by Renni Santoni, these days a well-known character actor, but then just starting out, and while he does look a little long in the tooth for the main role, who is supposed to be someone just out of high school he role out in the best of ways.

Don Rickles steals his brief scenes as he is fun and full of spirit not necessarily insulting as much as anything man does it is believable.

Jose Ferrer is also a stand-out as he is yet can be funny and is just a master of the dead. This is one of the first of his where one truly remembers him and he truly stands out.

The film leaves a long build-up that is worth it as the second half is where the film comes alive in the play that it builds up to that the characters performing in is a hilarious comedy of errors. 

It reminds one of the movies, We used to see on the cable channel Flix, which showed films from yesterday that weren’t necessarily well-known cinematic classics but are actually hidden gems that you can appreciate watching now.

In the end, the film is kind of sacred, and might find it corny or too safe humor and it’s not as funny as expected, especially with all the talent involved, but it is enjoyable and has a sweetness to it.

Though at heart contains that wild spirit of youth to make your future. Only having at times to come back down to earth when it comes to responsibilities. However, that doesn’t mean it won't be a meaningful ride. 

Grade: C+

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